May 1, 2015


pp. 32-33


A general oath of allegiance was taken from us by the Messenger of Allah (ص) that we shall honor the masjid and we will not relieve ourselves near its doors other than the in places specifically allotted for that, as a mark of respect and honor for Allah (ت). This covenant has been ignored by many people whose dwellings are near to the doors of the masjid, thus inconveniencing the entrance to the masjid, if the entrance to his place of cleansing is adjacent to it, due to taking the off the shoes when they entered the masjid or it being routine for them. This action is the worst of what can be. Let any one of them ponder if he wants to enter the palace of the king, he will never be able to urinate on the door of the palace as a mark of [preserving the] prestige of the king and fearing from his servants. But Allah (ت) is more deserving than that. 

More on this will be discussed in the 13th covenant after this, therefore refer to it.

My master ‘Ali al-Khawwas (رح) if he intends to enter the masjid he would purify himself outside it or in his house, and he will never enter in a state of impurity to perform ablution in the water tank inside the masjid fearing that he would enter in a state of impurity. And when he entered the masjid he begins to shudder out of reverence until he completes the salat then quickly exit by saying: الحمد لله الذى أطلعنا من المسجد على سلامة [praise be to Allah who informed us leave the masjid safely].

Then I said to him: “you are by the grace of Allah in the state of (ever) presence with Allah (both) inside the masjid and outside it”. Then he replied: “O, my son, the Truth (ت) has indeed sought from us to (observe) mannerism in the masjid which he did not seek from us outside it and look at his (ص) prohibition of sitting inside the masjid by interlocking the fingers (تشبيك الأصابع) and/or from (playing) with stones (تقليب الحصى), and their likes than you will understand what we have mentioned. For the shari‘ (ص) did not prohibit us from that in places other than the masjid.

He (رض) once saw a person among the fuqara’ (الفقراء) walking with a clean slipper (تاسومة)[1] in the centre of the masjid then he shouted at him and forbade him from doing it by saying “being scrupulous in respect of a morsel (of food) is more prudent for you”.

Once a man stood up for him in the masjid, but he scolded him severely by saying: “certainly the servant if he is ennobled in the presence of Allah (ت) he will melt just like the dissolving of lead out of shyness from Allah (ت) that he associates partners to him in the form of veneration and pride. He, if he came to the masjid, did not dare to enter alone, but he will wait patiently at the door till someone comes, then he enters behind him following him by saying: “the masjid is the precinct of Allah (ت) and do not start sitting before the Allah before others except those who are proximate [to Him] (المقربون) who has no mistake on them, nor their limbs were ever polluted with sin, nor did they fall into it nor did they repent from it with sincere repentance, like the awliya’ for whom the divine care (العناية الربانية) was granted earlier through the greatest spiritual power (الولاية الكبرى) in ab nihilio and they knew through sound Divine unveiling that Allah (ت) accepted their repentance and replaced their bad deeds with good deeds such that there remained with them any bad deed with which they seek His precinct. And when they seek to bring them before His precinct they will know that their repentance is unsound because they (the bad deeds) did not replace their bad deeds with good ones, for if that has been replaced then there would remain no form in the existence nor in their mind nor outside”. He said: “ I do not have anyone of these two legs, so what is there for me to enter before others”.

 And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful [9(al-Tawbah):91]
Abu Dawud narrated from Makhul through a Mursal hadith, as saying:

نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن يبال بأبواب المسجد
[The Messenger of Allah (ت) prohibited (us) to urinate at the door of the masjid]

Allah knows best!

[1]  A kind of slipper or shoe used in Makkah (in Hijazi dialect) that resembles that of the Moroccan Bulghah. For instance it is used as  أي يافلان اصمت والا ضربتك بالحذاء اسكت والا اعطيك بالتاسومة [keep quiet if not I will give you a slipper].

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