NO. 7
pp. 28-29
A general covenant was taken from
us by the Messenger of Allah (ت) that we will not disengage ourselves from
sitting with the ‘ulama’ even if we
were (ourselves) ‘ulama’, for
perchance Allah has bestowed upon them of knowledge which He did not give us.
Many of the fuqaha’ and sufis have discarded from acting
according to this covenant, but they claim that they have (with them) of
knowledge that is not with the entire people. In fact I heard some of them
saying why he has to exert himself over non-reference to ‘ulama’, “By Allah if I had known that someone in Egypt has with
him knowledge over and above what I have, I would certainly have served (as) his shoe. However, praise be to Allah (t), He has bestowed (or granted) us of
knowledge that we do not stand in need of it from other people”. All these are
ignorance according to the testimonary evidence of the shari‘, just as it has come in his (ص) saying: من قال إني علم فهو جاهل “whosoever said that
‘I am learned’, then he is (in fact) ignorant”.
In the story of Musa with Khidr (may
peace be upon both of them) there is sufficient (reflections) for every discerning
ones (mu‘tabir). Therefore, gather
(or meet), O, my brother, in every little (opportunity) with the ‘ulama’ and enrich yourself with their
benefits (of their presence and knowledge) and do not be among those who are
heedless of them so that you deny (for yourself) the blessing of the entire people
of your time, due to you begin to consider
yourself above them or equal to them, for certainly the Divine Assistance (al-imdadat al-ilahiyyah) such as
knowledge or other than it, its rule is the rule of water, as water does not
run except at low levels (al-sufliyyat).
Therefore whosoever considers himself higher than his contemporaries shall not derive
any help from them, while whosoever considers himself as equal to them, then
their help will be held back just like
the two water tanks that are equal. As such what is the goodness in its
entirety except in the servant seeing that he, without each participant among
the Muslims, should certainly be wary of the help he gets from them, just as we
have elucidated that in the first of the covenants of the spiritual Mentors (masha’ikh): “And Allah is all knowing
and all wise”.
Al-Tabrani narrating from Ibn ‘Abbas
(may Allah be pleased with both of them) through a marfu‘ hadith (that the
Prophet (ص) is reported to have said): إذا مررتم برياض الجنة فارتعوا ، قالوا يا رسول الله ، وما رياض الجنة ، قال : مجالس العلم “If you pass by the gardens of the
heaven be mindful (irtu‘u), they asked,
O, Messenger of Allah, what are the gardens of the heaven, he replied: “knowledge
sessions (majalis al-‘ilm)”. He said
that in this chain there is a narrator who is not named.
And in another narration from him
as well through Abu Umamah by a marfu‘
hadith that Luqman (on whom be
peace), said to his son: “O, my son, it is incumbent on you to sit with the ‘ulama’ and listen to the words of the
wise, for Allah (ت) certainly resuscitate the heart of the dead with the light
of wisdom, just as He resuscitates the dead earth from the heavy downpour of
rain.” Al-Hafiz al-‘Abdari said: “perhaps this hadith is mawquf”.
Abu Ya‘la narrated, and his
narrators are valid narrators except for one, from Ibn ‘Abbas as saying: قيل يا رسول الله أي جلسائنا خير : قال من ذكركم الله رؤيته وزاد في علمكم منطقته وذكركم بي الآخرة علمه “it
was said, ‘O, Messenger of Allah which of our participant is good?’ he said, ‘one
whose seeing him reminds you of Allah and his enunciation increased your
knowledge, while his knowledge reminds you of the Hereafter’”. And Allah (ت)
knows best!
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