Sep 21, 2013


Last week one of my Chinese students was commenting on the Malaysian government's decision to ban the remains of the now deceased ex-communist leader Chin Peng from being interred in his hometown in Malaysia. I saw on his face a deep sense of unhappiness and despair that being a civil servant he felt that one of his ethnic brother is denied his last wish. It hit him very hard that he started muttering words of utter disbelieve at the decision made by the top leaders of Malaysia. The arguments presented by those who opposed the request is generally unconvincing. No doubt he was behind the killing of thousands of the brave sons of Malaysia, but to deny him a place in this country would be to deny him a place in the history of Malaysia and its struggle for independence.

I had an interesting discussion with some of my relatives and they all seem to concur with the stand of the Malaysian leadership. But the inconsistency and illogicality in their arguments are amazingly alarming. Justice seems to be applied selectively. Whatever the stand is, I, for one, feel that his remain must be brought in and be buried in a place the government sees it fit. Denying him, particularly, after the signing of peace treaty is not Islamic. Muslims must honour the treaty signed. Let's show to our Chinese friends that we are magnanimous in our dealings.


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